Le Blog de la Mule

Mulebar plant based protein bars line up

The best plant based protein bars

C’est la grande mode des barres protéinées. Tout le monde s’y met même les marques industrielles. Voyons à quoi sert ce type de barres, quand et comment les consommer ? Quelles sont les protéines végétales utiliséess? Quel est l’avantage des barres protéinées vegan de chez Mulebar ?

Mulebar energy fruit puree range

The best sport energy fruit purees

Mulebar sports energy purees allow you to refuel during training or competition. With a fruit percentage of 50%, they are tastier than a gel and their texture is smoother. In short, they are a real source of pleasure and energy during exercise.

Mulebar sport energy gel lineup, the best energy gel for sport

What is the best energy gel for sport ?

An energy gel for sport allows you to recharge your batteries during exercise.
Mulebar packs its gels in 37g resealable tubes that can be reused thanks to their eco-refills. They’re the only ones of their kind in the world!
Let’s take a look at their other benefits.

Part of Mulebar sports energy bars line up

What is the best sports energy bar ?

An energy bar for sports allows you to eat easily, anywhere and at any time. It meets the energy needs of sportsmen and women during their favourite activities as well as those of “Mr and Mrs” as a snack to satisfy a small hunger at the office, in the car or at home. This makes it an indispensable ally for our hectic lives.

Une nutrition sportive et gourmande

Des ingédients naturels et de qualité !